Arizona State University



Adolescent Stress and Emotion Lab at ASU

Welcome to the Adolescent Stress and Emotion (ASAE) Lab at Arizona State University! Our lab studies child and adolescent stress and well-being, with emphasis on physiological, psychological, and contextual levels of analysis. We focus on understanding daily experiences, physiology, and sleep in the prediction of health and academic trajectories, as well as how transactions between culture and neurobiological systems may influence these pathways across development.



  • Adolescence

  • Transition to college

  • Stress physiology

  • Sleep

  • Health behaviors

  • Ecological momentary assessment

Lab Research Area:

  • Clinical Psychology

  • Developmental Psychology

Recent Lab News


  • Dr. Doane will review graduate applications for a new graduate student for Fall 2025. See "Training" section for more details.

  • Dr. Doane was featured on Arizona PBS speaking on chronic stress and its impact on health!

Leah Doane, Ph. D., Professor, Dept. of Psychology, ASU explains what is chronic stress.

  • ASAE Lab at Conferences

    • SLEEP Annual Meeting

      • Graduate student Karen Aguilar presented a research poster at the SLEEP 2024 Annual Meeting in Houston! The poster, ”Links Between Bicultural Stress and Sleep Problems in College: The Role of Cultural Congruence and School Belonging,” was also co-authored by former ASAELab graduate student Dr. Jeri Sasser.

    • Society for Research on Adolescence

      • Graduate student Karen Aguilar gave a symposia presentation on Jeri Sasser’s, Ph.D., Transciones research project at the 2024 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in Chicago! The symposia, “Bicultural Stress Experiences Across Latino Adolescents’ Transition to College: A Daily Diary, Latent Difference Score Modeling Approach,” was also co-authored by former ASAELab graduate students Dr. Mike Sladek and Dr. HyeJung Park.

    • Conference of the Society for Adolescent Health & Medicine

      • Graduate student Mickie Gusman and post-baccalaureate research assistant Terra Allen co-presented a research poster at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Society for Adolescent Health & Medicine in San Diego! The poster, titled “Providing Context to Latino Youth Mental Health: Biocontextual Risk and Psychosocial Pathways of Adaptation Across the Transition to College,” was also co-authored by current and former ASAELab team members Sammy Gomez, Jordan LaHaye, and Lexi Sanchez.

  • ASAE Lab Recent Awards

    • Mickie Gusman won the GPSA Arijit Guha Student Advocacy Award and the ASU Psychology Department’s Doctoral Scholar Award!

    • Khanh Bui was awarded the Inspiring Global Citizen Award from ASU’s International Students and Scholars Center and made an impact as an undergraduate teaching assistant and coach in the Psychology Student Success Center.

  • New Papers Published/In Press

    • Gusman, M. S., Safa, M. D., Grimm, K. J., & Doane, L. D. (2024). Contextualizing bicultural competence across youths’ adaptation from high school to college: Prospective associations with mental health and substance use. Clinical Psychological Science, 12(2), 320-343.

    • Sasser, J., Doane, L. D., Su, J., & Grimm, K. J. (2024). Stress and diurnal cortisol among Latino/a college students: A multi-risk model approach. Development and psychopathology, 36(2), 719-735.

    • Sasser, J., Lecarie, E. K., Gusman, M. S., & Doane, L. D. (2024). Within-person reciprocal links between stress, sleep, and depressive symptoms across Latino/a adolescents’ transition to and through college. Development and psychopathology, 1-13.

    • Peltz, J., Zhang, L., Sasser, J., Oshri, A., & Doane, L.D. (2024). The Influence of pubertal development on early adolescent sleep and changes in family functioning. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53(2), 459-471.

    • Castro, S., Sasser, J., Sills, J.+ & Doane, L.D. (2024). Reciprocal associations of perceived discrimination, internalizing symptoms, and academic achievement in Latino students across the college transition. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 30(1), 72-82.

    • Zhang, L., Sasser, J., Doane, L.D., Peltz, J. & Oshri, A. (2024). Latent profiles of sleep patterns in adolescence: Associations with behavioral health risk. Journal of Adolescent Health, 74 (1), 177-185.


  • Welcome new Fall 2023 research assistants! We have concluded our interviews for Fall 2023 research assistants but will continue accepting applications for future semesters.

  • Dr. Doane has accepted 2 graduate students for Fall 2023, but will be not be accepting new graduate students for Fall 2024!

  • ASAE Lab Graduate Student Achievements

    • Mickie Gusman was awarded the Spring 2023 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Research Excellence Award!

    • Skye Mendes received the 2023 Wilbert J. McKeachie Teaching Excellence Award from APA Division 2: Society for the Teaching of Psychology. The national award is given annually to a graduate student based on criteria including outstanding performance as a classroom teacher, development of effective teaching methods and materials, and demonstrated influence in interesting students in the field of psychology!

    • Jeri Sasser completed her internship at Google and defended her dissertation titled, "Examining Adolescent Sleep Within a Family Context: Evidence from Three Studies Spanning Early, Middle, and Late Adolescence"

    • Emma Lecarie defended her dissertation titled, “Family and Peer Stress During Early Adolescence: Phenotypic and Genetic Moderation of Pubertal Development, Sleep and Internalizing Symptomatology”

  • New Papers Published/In Press!

    • Sasser, J., Li, C.+, Doane, L.D., Krasnow, A., Murugan, V., Magee, M., & LaBaer, J. Associations between COVID-19 sleep patterns, depressive symptoms, loneliness, and academic engagement: A latent profile analysis. In press, Journal of American College Health.

    • Rea-Sandin, G., Li-Grining, C.P., Causadias, J., Doane, L.D., Gonzales, N., & Lemery-Chalfant, K.  Novel measures of family orientation and childhood self-regulation: A genetically-informed twin study. In press, Journal of Family Psychology.

    • Sasser, J., Waddell, J. T., & Doane, L. D.  If you (don’t) snooze, do you use? Prospective links between adolescent sleep patterns and substance use and depression. In press, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.

    • Sasser, J., Doane, L.D., Su, J. & Grimm, K.J. Stress and diurnal cortisol among Latino college students: A Multi-risk model approach. In press, Development and Psychopathology.

    • Gusman, M., Safa, M.D., Grimm, K.J. & Doane, L.D. Contextualizing bicultural competence across youths’ adaptation from high school to college: Prospective associations with mental health and substance use. In press, Clinical Psychological Science.

    • Castro, S., Sasser, J., Sills, J.+  & Doane, L.D. Reciprocal associations of perceived discrimination, internalizing symptoms, and academic achievement in Latino students across the college transition. In press, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

    • Rea-Sandin, G., Clifford, S., Doane, L.D., Davis, M.C., Grimm, K.J., Russell, M. +, & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2023). Genetic and environmental links between executive functioning and effortful control in middle childhood. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(3), 780-793.

    • Sasser, J., Waddell, J. T., & Doane, L. D. (2023). Family dynamics and adjustment across Latino/a students’ transition to college: Disentangling within- and between-person reciprocal associations. Developmental Psychology, 59(3), 487-502.

    • Sladek, M.R., Gusman, M., & Doane, L.D. (2023). Ethnic-racial identity developmental trajectories across the transition to college. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52, 880-898.


  • Check out this ASU News article featuring new research from the ASAE Lab!

  • New Papers Published/In Press!

    • Brinkman, A., Rea-Sandin, G., Fitzpatrick, O., Gusman, M.S., Lund, E., Bonness, C., Scholars for Elevating Equity & Diversity (SEED). (In press). Shifting the discourse on disability: Moving to an inclusive, intersectional focus. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

    • Sasser, J., Waddell, J. T., & Doane, L. D. (2022). Family dynamics and adjustment across Latino/a students’ transition to college: Disentangling within- and between-person reciprocal associations. Developmental Psychology.

    • Quiroz, S. I., Ha, T., Rogers, A. A., & Sasser, J. (2022). Associations between adolescents’ antisocial behavior, conflict management styles, and romantic relationship breakup: An observational study. Journal of Research on Adolescence.

    • Lecarie, E. K., Doane, L. D., Stroud, C. B., Walter, D., Davis, M. C., Grimm, K. J., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2022). Does stress predict the development of internalizing symptoms in middle childhood? An examination of additive, mediated, and moderated effects of early family stress, daily interpersonal stress, and physiological stress. Developmental psychology.

    • Safa, D., Gusman, M.S., Doane, L.D. (2022). Bicultural competence and academic adjustment across youth adaptation from high school to college. Child Development

    • Waddell, J. T., & Sasser, J. (2022). Too tired to think: Within and between-person relations among impulsive traits, sleep duration, and rash action/inaction. International Journal on Mental Health and Addiction.

  • The ASAE Lab at ISPNE!

    • Doane, L. D., Sasser, J., & Park, H. (2022, September). Sleep and Diurnal Cortisol Patterns: Cultural Prediction and Moderation Among Latino College Students. Invited talk at the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

    • Gusman, M.S., Doane, L.D. (2022, September). Latent Trait Cortisol: Considering the Interplay of Adversity and Cultural Resilience Factors in Latino Adolescents. Individual paper presented at the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

    • Sasser, J., Doane, L. D., Su, J., & Grimm, K. J. (2022, September). Additive, Common, and Cumulative Contributions of Stress on Diurnal Cortisol Activity: Evidence Among Latino College Students. Individual paper presented at the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

    • Trent, K., Gusman, M. S., Mendes, S. H., & Doane, L. D. (2022, September). Daily Rumination and Diurnal Cortisol Patterns in Latino Adolescents: The Role of Bicultural Competence and Gender. Poster presented at the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

  • Congratulations, ASAE Lab Graduate Students!

    • Mickie Gusman was awarded the Early Career Scholar Award from the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology (ISPNE).

    • Jeri Sasser was awarded the 2022 ASU Department of Psychology Doctoral Scholar Award.

    • Emma Lecarie was awarded the Spring 2022 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Outstanding Mentor Award.

    • Skye Mendes was awarded the Spring 2022 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Research Excellence Award.

    • HyeJung Park received the Copper Lamp of Knowledge Award from the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society and the Veterans Scholarship from the Southwest Veterans Foundation on April 1, 2022.

    • Skye Mendes was awarded first place for the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) Graduate Student Poster Contest.

    • Jeri Sasser was awarded the GPSA JEDI Award for her commitment towards promoting Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

  • The ASAE Lab will be at APS!

    • Green, J.M., Gusman, M.S., Sasser, J., Doane, L.D. (2022, May). The Effects of Parent Behaviors on Internalizing Symptoms and Alcohol Use in Sexual and Ethnic Minority Adolescents. Poster presented at the 2022 APS Annual Convention in Chicago, IL.

    • Gusman, M.S., Morelli, N.M., Doane, L.D. (2022, May). Profiles of Latino Adolescents’ Ethnic Racial Identity: Associations with Internalizing Symptoms. Poster presented at the 2022 APS Annual Convention in Chicago, IL.

    • Sasser, J., Waddell, J. T., Li, C., Trent, K., & Doane, L. D. (2022, May). Sleep and Adjustment in Adolescence: A Longitudinal, Person-Centered Approach. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

  • ASAE Lab Undergraduate RAs Present at AZPURC!

    • Li, C., Sasser, J., & Doane, L. D. (2022, April). Changes in Ethnic/Racial Discrimination Predict Sleep Outcomes in Latino Adolescents Across the Transition to College. Poster presented at the Arizona Psychology Undergraduate Research conference (AZPURC), Tempe, AZ.

    • Tirado, L., Sasser, J., & Castellana, M. (2022, April). A Literature Review on the Effects of DMT on Mental Health and Stress. Poster presented at the Arizona Psychology Undergraduate Research conference (AZPURC), Tempe, AZ.

    • Trent, K., Gusman, M. S., Mendes, S. H., Sasser, J., & Doane, L. D. (2022, April). Rumination and Diurnal Cortisol Patterns. Poster presented at the Arizona Psychology Undergraduate Research conference (AZPURC), Tempe, AZ.

  • New Papers Published/In Press!

    • Castro, S. A., Sasser, J., Sills, J., & Doane, L. D. (2022). Reciprocal associations of perceived discrimination, internalizing symptoms, and academic achievement in Latino students across the college transition. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

    • Lecarie, E. K., Doane, L. D., Clifford, S., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2022). The onset of pubertal development and actigraphy-assessed sleep during middle childhood: Racial, gender, and genetic effects. Sleep Health, 8(2), 208–215.

    • Rea-Sandin, G., Breitenstein, R. S., Doane, L. D., Vakulskas, E., Valiente, C., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2022). Early Life Socioeconomic Differences in Associations between Childhood Sleep and Academic Performance. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 79, 101392.

    • Sasser, J., Lecarie, E. K., Gusman, M. S., Park, H., & Doane, L. D. (2022). The multiplicative effect of stress and sleep on academic cognitions in Latino college students. Chronobiology international, 39(3), 346–362.

  • The ASAE Lab will be at SRA!

    • Gusman, M.S., Argenio, H., Trent., K., Green, J., Marquette, S., Tran, M., Doane, L.D. (2022, April). Cultural Stress Neurobiology: Multiplicative Effects of Latinx Adolescents’ Early Adversity, Cortisol, and Biculturalism on Internalizing Symptoms. Poster presented at the 2022 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in New Orleans, LA.

    • Lecarie, E.K., Clifford, S., Doane, L.D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. Longitudinal Associations between Puberty and Sleep: Parallel Process Models to Examine Pubertal Timing and Sleep Duration Problems. Individual paper presentation at the 2022 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in New Orleans, LA.

    • Morelli, N., Gusman, M.,  Hong, K., Villodas, M. (2022, April). Predicting latent classes of substance use in late adolescent and young adult survivors of child maltreatment: a 20-year prospective investigation. Poster presented at the 2022 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in New Orleans, LA.

    • Park, H., Trimble, A., Li, C., Keefer, S., Robinson, C., & Doane, L.D. (2022). Changes in Daily Family Assistance Behaviors Across the Transition to College Among Latino Adolescents Moderated by Traditional Cultural Values. Poster presented at the 2022 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in New Orleans, LA.

    • Safa, D., Gusman, M.S., Doane, L.D. (2022, March). Bicultural Competence and Academic Adjustment Across Youth Adaptation from High School to College. Individual paper presentation at the 2022 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in New Orleans, LA.

    • Sasser, J., Waddell, J. T., Sheridan, K., Rascon, T. A., Shipley, S., Tumpap, D., & Doane, L. D. (2022, March). Family Matters: Latino/a Students’ Perceptions of Family Dynamics Promote Adjustment Across the Transition to College. Data blitz presented at the 2022 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.


  • Check out this ASU News article on a new undergraduate course launched by ASAE Lab graduate student!

  • New papers in press/published (Fall 2021)!

    • Gusman, M. S., Grimm, K. J., Cohen, A. B., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Stress and sleep across the onset of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: impact of distance learning on US college students' health trajectories. Sleep, 44(12), zsab193.

    • Alessandri, G., De Longis, E., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Associations between inertia of negative emotions and diurnal cortisol in a sample of college students. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 134, 105427.

    • Swords, C. M., Lecarie, E. K., Doane, L. D., & Hilt, L. M. (2021). Psychological well-being of ruminative adolescents during the transition to COVID-19 school closures: An EMA study. Journal of adolescence, 92, 189–193.

    • Park, H., Sasser, J., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Latino adolescents' academic trajectories over the transition to higher education: Variation by school and neighborhood contexts and familism. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 1824–1838.

  • Congratulations, ASAE Lab Graduate Students!

    • Jeri Sasser was selected as 2021-2023 Developmental Psychology representative for the APA Science Student Council. Read the full story here.

    • Michaela Gusman was featured in ASU News for her first-author paper examining trajectories of sleep and stress during the transition to remote learning (findings from the Livesmix project).

    • Skye Mendes worked with a team of graduate students and early career scholars from across the country that published an editorial on antiracist clinical science in the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, and several members of the publishing team including Skye organized a related workshop at the Society for Prevention Research annual meeting.

  • New papers published (Spring 2021)!

    • Li, L.., Sheehan, C.M., Valiente, C., Eisenberg, N., Doane, L.D., Spinrad, T.L., Johns, S.K., Diaz, A., Berger, R.H., & Southworth, J. (2021). Similarities and differences between actigraphy and parent-reported sleep in a Hispanic and non-Hispanic White sample. Sleep Medicine, 83, 160-167

    • Miadich, S.A., Breitenstein, R.S., Davis, M.C., Doane, L.D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2021). Longitudinal associations between sleep, internalizing symptoms, and recurring pain in middle childhood. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 44(4), 551-562

    • Miadich, S. A., Swanson, J., Doane, L. D., Davis, M. C., Iida, M., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2021). Effortful control and health among triads of mothers and twin children: An actor–partner interdependence modeling approach. Journal of Family Psychology.

    • Sasser, J., Oshri, A., Duprey, E. B., Doane, L. D., & Peltz, J. S. (2021). Daytime sleepiness underlies the link between adverse parenting and youth psychopathology among adolescent girls. Journal of Adolescence, 90, 32–44.

    • Sladek, M. R., Castro, S. A., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Ethnic-Racial discrimination experiences predict Latinx adolescents' physiological stress processes across college transition. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 128, 105212.

    • Valiente, C., Doane, L. D., Clifford, S., Grimm, K. J., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2021). School Readiness and Achievement in Early Elementary School: Moderation by Students' Temperament. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 74, 101265.

  • Congratulations, Dr. Doane!

    • Dr. Doane received the Outstanding Doctoral Mentor Award at ASU! Read more about it here.

  • Congratulations ASAE Lab Graduate Students!

    • HyeJung Park was awarded the 2021 Cialdini Early Graduate Career Award.

    • Michaela Gusman was awarded the Spring 2021 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Research Excellence Award.

    • Jeri Sasser was awarded the Spring 2021 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Teaching Excellence Award.

    • HyeJung Park was honored as a Directors Mortgage Hometown Hero Honoree of the Phoenix Suns. Watch her story here.

    • Jeri Sasser was awarded an honorable mention by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP) for her project: "The Impact of Adolescent Sleep on Academic Outcomes in Latinx College Students: A Longitudinal, Person-Centered Approach"

    • Jeri Sasser was awarded the 2021 ASU Psychology Department’s Samuel Leifheit Service Award.

  • Congratulations ASAE Lab Research Assistants!

    • Missy Tran was awarded the Jenessa Shapiro Undergraduate Research Scholarship. Read her story here.

  • The ASAE Lab will be at SRCD!

    • Breitenstein, R. S., Doane, L. D., Davis, M., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2021). Household Chaos Moderates Links Between Sleep and Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors in Middle Childhood. In Sleep and Behavioral Adjustment in Early and Middle Childhood (Chair: Staples, A. D.). Paper presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

    • Gusman, M., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Latinx Adolescents’ Ethnic Racial Identity: A Resource Against Effects of Childhood Adversity on Internalizing Symptoms. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

    • Gusman, M., Safa, D. M., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Bicultural Competence, Mental Health, and Substance Use Across Youth Adaptation from High School to College. In Youth Development in a Multicultural World: Antecedents and Consequents of Biculturalism (Chair: Safa, D. M.). Paper presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

    • Lecarie, E., Doane, L. D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2021). The Onset of Pubertal Development and Objective Sleep: Multigroup Racial/Ethnic and Gender Effects. In Sleep Across the Lifecourse. Flash talk presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

    • Lemery-Chalfant, K., Sokol, K. R., Oro, V., Lecarie, E., Rea-Sandin, G., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Children’s Diurnal Cortisol: Heritability and Relations with Peer Relationships. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

    • Miadich, S., Davis, M., Doane, L. D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2021). The Impact of Caregivers’ Past Smoking Behaviors on the Heritability of Children’s Lung Function. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

    • Ruof, A., Valiente, C., Doane, L. D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2021). Children’s Sleep is Associated with Teacher Reports of Students' Behavioral and Emotional School Engagement. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

    • Sasser, J., Lecarie, E. K., Park, H., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Spending Time with Family Predicts Sleep in Latinx Adolescents: Variation by Family Values and Dynamics. In Sleep in Adolescence: The Importance of Family and School Contexts (Chair: Sasser, J.). Paper presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

    • Walter, D. A., Howard, C., Hawkins, J., Kim, C., Milner, M., Doane, L. D.M & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2021). Associations Between Children’s Sleep and Externalizing Behavior: The Moderating Role of Executive Functioning. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

    • Weldon, H. B., Gusman, M., Doane, L. D., Grimm, K. J., & Cohen, A. (2021). COVID-19-Related PTSD Symptoms and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms: Moderation by Prior Discrimination and Socioeconomic Status. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.

  • New papers published!

    • Sasser, J., Lecarie, E. K., Park, H., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Daily family connection and objective sleep in Latinx adolescents: The moderating role of familism values and family connection. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50(3), 506-520.

    • Miadich, S. A., Shrewsbury, A. M., Doane, L. D., Davis, M. C., Clifford, S., & Lemery‐Chalfant, K. (2020). Children’s sleep, impulsivity, and anger: shared genetic etiology and implications for developmental psychopathology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61(10), 1070-1079.


  • Congratulations ASAE Lab Graduate Students! 

    • Congratulations to Skye Mendes for receiving an Outstanding Mentor Award from the ASU Graduate Professional and Student Association, a Robert Cialdini Developmental Cross-Training Award, and for the Amplified Voices team’s receipt of a Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) grant from the ASU Natural Sciences. You can read a media release about that project here.

    • Emma Lecarie was awarded Best Early Career Abstract Award for the ISPNE 2020 Annual Conference for her paper: “Does Stress Predict the Development of Internalizing Symptoms in Middle Childhood? : An Examination of Additive, Interactive, and Mediated Effects of Early and Proximal Parental Stress, Daily Stress, and Physiological Stress”

    • HyeJung Park was named a 2020 Tillman Scholar by the Pat Tillman Foundation. Read her story here.

    • Jeri Sasser was awarded the ASU Developmental Psychology Small Catalyst Grant.

  • The ASAE Lab is Recruiting Undergraduate RAs!

    • The ASAE Lab will begin interviewing applicants for Spring 2021 in October of 2020. Click here to learn more.

  • New paper published!

    • Congratulations to ASAE Lab Alumna Reagan Breitenstein for her recently published paper that details major findings from her dissertation:

      • Breitenstein, R.S., Doane, L.D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2020). Children’s objective sleep assessed with wrist-based accelerometers: Strong heritability of objective quantity and quality unique from parent-reported sleep. Sleep, zsaa142.

  • Check out this new ASU Now article on one of our newest papers showing that bedtime media use is linked to less sleep in children who struggle to self-regulate behavior.

  • Farewell and Congratulations to our Class of 2020 Graduating Seniors!

    • Rachel Brown (B.S. Psychology)

      • After graduating Magna Cum Laude, Rachel will be attending the University of Georgia to begin a doctoral program in Human Development and Family Sciences. She will also be specializing in quantitative methodology.

    • Alex Callanan (B.S. Psychology, B.S. Integrative Health)

      • Upon graduating Magna Cum Laude, Alex plans on either going to Naturopathic Medical school and hopes to implement psychology within her practice or go on to get her master’s degree in either Social Work or Marriage and Family Therapy. 

    • Kyra Coe (B.A. Psychology, Minor in Spanish)

      • During her time at ASU, Kyra interned with the Crisis Response Team and was involved in two research labs! Upon graduating Magna Cum Laude, Kyra will be applying to obtain a master’s degree in Forensic Psychology. 

    • Jayline Martin-Gomez (B.A. Global Health)

      • Jayline, a first-generation college student, was a research assistant for two labs in Psychology and SHESC for more than two years! After graduating Magna Cum Laude, Jayline plans to take a gap year working as a research assistant to gain more research experience. In a year, she wants to pursue a master’s degree in Global Health. 

    • Brooke Hayward (B.S. Psychology)

      • Upon graduating Summa Cum Laude, Brooke will be taking a gap year to gain more experience in the field of clinical psychology. She will also be continuing on in the ASAE lab as a volunteer!

    • Sofia Larson (B.A. Psychology, Minor in Family and Human Development)

      • Sofia has received the Transfer Achievement Award, the President's Honors Scholarship, and was inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa honors society! After graduation, she plans on taking a gap year before applying to a masters program. During her gap year, she will prioritize building experiences in the field of psychology, staying involved in research on campus, and specifying the scope for where she sees herself in the field of psychology. She could not be more excited! 

    • Xochitl Arlene Smola (B.S. Psychology, Minor in Statistics)

      • Arlene, a first-generation college student, was selected as one of the Top Three Honor’s Theses and as the Dean’s Medalist for the Department of Psychology! Upon graduating Summa Cum Laude with the prestigious Moeur Award, Arlene will be attending UCLA to obtain a PhD in Developmental Psychology. Her primary mentor will be Andrew Fuligni from the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and the Department of Psychology.

    • Hanah Weldon (B.A. Psychology)

      • After graduating Magna Cum Laude, Hanah plans to take a gap year to build more experience in the field of clinical psychology before she applies to graduate school. During her gap year, she will be working as a behavioral health technician while continuing to volunteer as a research assistant. 

  • Congratulations ASAE Lab Graduate Students! 

    • ASAE Lab Alumna Reagan Breitenstein accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Appalachian State!

    • Emma Lecarie successfully defended her Master’s Thesis on April 8th, 2020, titled “Does Stress Predict the Development of Internalizing Symptoms in Middle Childhood? An Examination of Additive and Interactive Effects of Early, Daily, and Physiological Stress

    • Mickie Gusman received an honorable mention on her National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship proposal, titled “Early Life Stress and HPA Axis Reactivity: Ethnic racial identity development as a moderator in adolescence” and was featured in this APS news article!

    • Jeri Sasser was awarded the Cialdini Developmental Psychology Early Graduate Career Award!

  • The ASAE Lab will be at APS!

    • Sasser, J. & Doane, L.D. Loneliness and Sleep Among Latinx Adolescents Transitioning to College: The moderating role of sex. Poster presented virtually at the 32nd APS Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

    • Brown, R., Sasser, J., Lecarie, E., & Doane, L.D. Can Parental Support Reduce Loneliness for Latinx College Students? The Moderating Role of Living On-Campus. Poster presented virtually at the 32nd APS Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

  • The ASAE Lab will be at SRA!

    • Sladek, M.R., Doane, L.D., Luecken, L., Gonzales, N.A., & Grimm, K.J. (2020, March). Cultural match or mismatch? Latinx college students’ cortisol an affective responses to psychosocial stress. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.

    • Anderson, S.F., Sladek, M.R., & Doane, L.D. (2020, March). Latinx adolescents’ affect reactivity to stress and depressive symptoms across the college transition: Buffering by family support. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.

    • Lecarie, E., Sladek, M.R., Gusman, M.S., & Doane, L.D. (2020, March). Academic stress, sleep, and the role of school belonging among latino adolescents. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.

    • Smola, X.A., Lecarie, E., & Doane, L.D. (2020, March). Daily frequency and enjoyment of communication with parents and friends and diurnal cortisol patterns among Latino late adolescents. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.

  • New papers in press/published!

    • Anderson, S.A., Sladek, M.R., & Doane, L.D. Negative affect reactivity to stress and internalizing symptoms over the transition to college for Latinx adolescents: Buffering role of family support. In press, Development and Psychopathology.

    • Clifford, S., Doane, L.D., Breitenstein, R.S., Grimm, K.J. & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2020). Effortful control moderates the relation between electronic media use and objective sleep indicators in childhood. Psychological Science, 0956797620919432.

    • Sladek, M.R., Doane, L.D., Luecken, L.J., Gonzales, N.A., & Grimm, K.J. Reducing cultural mismatch: Cultural diversity and inclusion reminder reduces Latino students’ stress responses. In press, Hormones and Behavior.

    • Lemery-Chalfant, K., Oro, V., Rea-Sandin, G., Miadich, S., Lecarie, E., Clifford, S., Doane, L.D., & Davis, M. Arizona Twin Project: Specificity in risk and resilience for developmental psychopathology and health. In press, Twin Research and Human Genetics.

    • Stroud, C.B., Chen, F.R., Curzi, B., Granger, D.A., & Doane, L.D. Overestimating self-blame for stressful life events and adolescents’ latent trait cortisol (LTC): The Moderating role of parental warmth. In press, Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

    • Sladek, M.R., Doane, L.D, & Breitenstein, R.S. Daily rumination about stress, sleep and diurnal cortisol activity. In Press, Cognition and Emotion. 7. Hagan, M.J., Sladek, M.R., Luecken, L.J., & Doane, L.D. (2020). The political is personal: Election-related distress in emerging adults. Journal of American College Health, 68(1), 21-25.


  • Congratulations ASAE Lab Graduate Students!

    • Congratulations to Skye Mendes for receiving a Teaching Excellence Award from the ASU Graduate Professional and Student Association, and for earning a Certificate in Effective College Teaching from the American Council on Education (ACE) & Association of College and University Educators (ACUE)

  • New papers published!

    • Sladek, M. R., Doane, L. D., Gonzales, N. A., Grimm, K. J., & Luecken, L. J. (2019). Latino adolescents’ cultural values associated with diurnal cortisol activity. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 109, 104403.

    • Sladek, M. R., Doane, L. D., & Park, H. (2019) Latino adolescents’ daily bicultural stress and sleep: Gender and school context moderation. Health Psychology.

  • Welcome to The ASAE Lab graduate students! Excited to have you!

    • Mickie Gusman, Clinical Psychology PhD Program

    • Jeri Sasser, Developmental Psychology PhD Program

  • The ASAE Lab will be at SRCD!

    • Miadich, S.A., Breitenstein, R.S., Davis, M.C., Doane, L.D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2019, March). Longitudinal associations between sleep and pain experiences among twins in middle childhood. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Breitenstein, R.S., Lecarie, E., & Doane, L.D. (2019, March). Longitudinal associations between weight indicators and academic achievement over the Latino college transitions. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Rea-Sandin, G., Doane, L.D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2019, March). The moderation of genetic and environmental influences on executive functioning: The Role of familism values. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Sladek, M.R., Doane, L.D., Gonzales, N.A., Grimm, K.J., & Luecken, L. (2019, March). Latino adolescents’ cultural values moderate cortisol responses to everyday stress. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Oro, V., Doane, L.D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2019, March). Emotion expression and the sibling dynamic in twin pairs: The role of early life temperament. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Miadich, S.A., Doane, L.D., Davis, M.C., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2019, March. Early parental positive personality and adversity: Associations with children’s sleep. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Park, H. & Doane, L.D. (2019, March). High school ethnic composition and Latino academic achievement in college: The Role of cultural values. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Breitenstein, R.S., Rea-Sandin, G., Doane, L.D., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2019, March) Associations between effortful control and diurnal cortisol patterns in middle childhood. The Role of socioeconomic status. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Sills, J., Castro, S.A., & Doane, L.D. (2019, March). Perceived discrimination, internalizing symptoms, and academic achievement during the Latino college transition. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Swanson, J., Miadich, S.A., Doane, L.D. & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2019, March). Motherchild-sibling effortful control and health outcomes: An Actor-partner-interdependence modeling approach. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Kaur, N., Sawicka, M., Sokol, K., Doane, L.D., Davis, M.C., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2019, March). The question of bidirectionality: Linking parenting and problem behaviors in a longitudinal twin design. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

    • Clifford, S., Doane, L.D., Breitenstein, R.S., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2019, March). Effortful control moderates the relation between electronic media use and objective sleep indicators in childhood. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.


  • Congratulations to Dr. Doane!

    • Nominated for College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching Award at ASU!

    • Invited to speak at the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University!

  • Congratulations to Dr. Doane as a mentor and HyeJung Park as a mentee

    • Received the William T. Grant Foundation Mentoring Award: Collectively developing mentoring goals, along with two years of research fellowship support for HyeJung. Total direct costs: $60,000!

  • The ASAE Lab will be at SRA!

    • Breitenstein, R. S., & Doane, L.D. (2018, April). Associations between sleep and BMI in Latino Adolescents: The moderating role of cultural orientations. Paper presented the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.

    • Sladek, M. R., & Doane, L. D. (2018, April). Daily Bicultural Stress and ActigraphMeasured Sleep Among Latino Late Adolescents. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.

    • Castro, S., Perez, V. M., Gonzales, N., & Doane, L.D. (2018, April). Momentary stress and sleep in adolescence: Does Social Awareness protect Latinas/os exposed to chronic discrimination from peers at school? Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.

    • Dilgert, J.+ , Park, H. & Doane, L. D. (2018, April). The Relationship between biculturalism and mental health outcomes among college-bound Latino adolescents Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.

    • Park, H. & Doane, L. D. (2018, April). Parent-child communication and depressive symptoms in adolescence: Does sleep play a role? Poster presentation to be present at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.

  • The ASAE Lab will be at the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinology!

    • Doane, L.D., Sladek, M.R., Breitenstein, R.S., Park, H., Castro, S., & Kennedy, J. (2018, September). Cultural neurobiology and the family: Evidence from the daily lives of Latino adolescents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinology, Irvine, CA.